Profiled Metal Roof & Wall Cladding
Also known as trapezoidal or box section sheeting, we offer numerous different profiles to choose from.
In House Profiles
If our customers do not have a preference, the standard profile we offer in-house is 32/1000 and the maximum length we can offer in-house is 3660mm (12ft) long.
We do not operate rolling machines to produce these, they are formed manually in our press brakes which means we are able to offer a wide variety of different profiles to suit our customer’s requirements.

Repair Works
We regularly supply profiled sheets for repair works where the odd few sheets are required to patch into/over existing damaged areas or where a break-in has occurred.
Domestic Supply
These kinds of sheets are more commonly used on industrial buildings however, over the past few years we have seen an increase in interest from our domestic non-trade customers who simply need to re-roof a shed, car port, garage or garden building. A few examples of these can be seen in our gallery.

We quite often have surplus sheets available, or ‘seconds’ as we sometimes call them, at discounted rates. The quantity, colours and availability of these can change on a daily or weekly basis, it’s always worth a call to see what we have in stock. We will always work with you to provide the best option at the best rate.